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Spotlight on AI4LUNGS’ Project Coordinator: INESC TEC!

Discover how AI4LUNGS is transforming the lung disease health care with Artificial Intelligent (AI) in the interview of Project Coordinator of AI4LUNGS- INESC TEC, represented by Hélder P. Oliveira, Duarte Dias, and Ana Maria Mendonça. They share insights on the complexities of lung disease and discuss the innovative solutions being developed to tackle these challenges. 

INESC TEC plays a crucial role in this innovative European initiative aiming to revolutionise the diagnosis and treatment of respiratory diseases, overseeing project activities and the development of AI analytic models for personalised lung healthcare treatment. 

“The main objective of AI4LUNGS is to create a digital twin to help physicians on a daily routine in terms of lung pathologies.”, said Helder P. Oliveira. 

Who is INESC TEC, and the Role of INESC TEC in AI4LUNGS

Based in Portugal, INESC TEC is a non-profit research institute. With expertise in scientific research, technological development, and technology transfer, INESC TEC is a hub of innovation. They also specialise in advanced consulting, training, and fostering technology-based startups. Their coordination role in AI4LUNGS ensures the project’s objectives are met with precision, and the project results holds to the highest impact. 

“I think this project has a very unique concept, there are still more research to be done, but this concept will support the cancer stratification process. Hopefully by having some pilots we can show to the community what we are capable to do.”, said Duarte Dias. 

AI4LUNGS interviews are a miniseries where every month, the communication and dissemination manager Future Needs will produce a video introducing the project partners, showcasing the experts behind the scenes of AI4LUNGS. Check out the interview with INESC TEC to learn more about the project and the coordinator!


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